Blackdown Hills Parish Network
The Blackdown Hills Parish Network was formed in 2011 following the successful launch of the Blackdown Hills Community Plan.
The Network brings together the 38 parishes that wholly or partly lie within the Blackdown Hills AONB, irrespective of which District or County Council area they are in. Upottery Parish Council has supported the Blackdown Hills Parish Network since it was formed.
The Government's Localism Bill envisages that groups of parishes like this can in the future have more influence on issues that affect them (such as those identified in the Blackdown Hills Community Plan). The Blackdown Hills Parish Network provides a vehicle for Blackdown Hills Parish Councils to share expertise and experiences and to work together on common issues.
In Autumn, 2012, the Blackdown Hills Parish Network launched its own website to inform residents across the Blackdowns of its activities and provide information about events, amenities, transport, entertainment etc etc.
Click the link to go to the Blackdown Hills Online community website.