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Upottery Parish Council
Contact Upottery Parish Council
Parish Council Assets
Parish Council Documents
Parish Council Finance
Parish Council Meetings & Agendas
Your Councillors
Elections May 6, 2021
Coronavirus Information
Devon Communities Together Tuesday Chat
East Devon Local Plan 2022 to 2040
Broadband background
Are there alternatives to fibre broadband?
CDS release new broadband deployment maps
Cllr David Hall's reply to Upottery Parish Council
Letters to Rt Hon. Sajid Javid
Upottery Parish Council letter to CDS Board
Western Morning News October 21st 2014
What CDS say about Upottery parish
The benefits of Ultrafast Fibre Broadband
Upottery Playing Fields
Blackdown Hills Gardening Club
Blackdown Hills Transition
Smeatharpe Allotment Trust
Smeatharpe WI
Upottery Football Club
Upottery Youth Club
The Upottery Flower and Vegetable Show
Lady Sidmouth's School at Smeatharpe
Maps and Borders
Memories of Smeatharpe Airfield
Rev. John Jane
Smeatharpe as I remember
How can I contribute?
Items for Collection or Sale.
A303 Leaflet August 2015
A303 Leaflet July 2014
A303/A30 accident maps
A303/A30 meeting with Neil Parish MP June 21, 2013
Faster broadband final coverage map 2017
Broadband Public Meeting February 7
Broadband update from EDDC, July 16, 2014
CDS Map of fibre deployment to October 2014
EDDC/SSDC Broadband Scrutiny Panel
Exchange of emails with Keri Denton following BT Press Release
Fixed Wireless Broadband
Headline View From The Blackdowns
John Hart (DCC) answers questions on CDS broadband
Maria Miller MP letter to Chief Exec's
October 23 Midweek Herald letter and CDS response
Open letter to Council's, MP's and press
Telephone exchange locations
Tips for getting the best broadband speed
What's happening elsewhere
Why can't we know what's planned?
Why is fast broadband so important?
How would you spend £3,423 on sport in Upottery?
Official A303/A30 Diversion Routes
Pilates Classes
Poor but happy!
Rural Fair Share Petition
Email from Paul Diviani
Upottery Flower and Vegetable Show
Village Development Plan
Neighbourhood Plan for Upottery parish
Upottery Neighbourhood Planning Documents
Our Parish
Emergency Services
Circular Walks In The Blackdown Hills
Newhouse Baptist Church
Smeatharpe Village Hall
Hire Charges
The Manor Room
Welcome to St Mary the Virgin Upottery
Parish Council
Blackdown Hills Parish Network
Parish Plan
PC Meeting Agendas
PC Meeting Minutes
The Parish map
St Mary's webpage
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